What is speculation? [Jun 09]

The word 'speculation' is derived from the Latin word 'speculate' which means 'to see from a distance or take a decision in anticipation of future happenings. However, in the share market, it means dealing in securities keeping in view the present and future prices with the object of making profits from the difference of the two prices. Emery of USA has stated the meaning of speculation in the following words: "Speculation consists of buying and selling commodities, or securities, or other property, in the hope of a profit from anticipated changes of value"

Speculative transactions are different from investment transactions. Graham, Dodd and Cottle have explained the difference between speculation and investment as follows:

"Investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and a satisfactory return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculation".

You can very well understand this difference if you know the working of a stock exchange. The stock exchange provides an arrangement for the marketing of listed securities which are also called 'scrips'. The actual functioning of this market consists of buying and selling of these scrips. The buyers and sellers undertake two types of operations; one for investment and the other for speculation. Those who buy securities so as to earn a regular income from the investment are called 'genuine investors'. They get delivery of the scrips on payment of the price. Such transactions are called investment transactions. In the second type of transactions, the object is to deal in the difference of price. The buyers buy scrips with the object of selling them in future at a profit, or sell now in the expectation of buying at a lower price in future. They are known as speculators and their transactions are known as speculative transactions.

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